Wednesday 20 June 2018


1.which open the start menu .
Ans.   Start Button
2. A............... Is a collection of relevant files stored together on some storage device
Ans.  Folder
3.  Window is a use ........ Interface
Ans Graphical
4. The word application opens blank document with the name
Ans  Document 1
5. Grammatical error indicate with a
Ans . Green Way Underline
6. Which key combination will be used to select the entire document
Ans. Ctrl +A
7. Which is the shortcut key for undo command
Ans. Ctrl +Z
8. ...... Alignment is used  set evenly  between the left and right
Ans. Justify
9. By default  line spacing is a set to ..... Line spacing
Ans. Single
10. Font size box is available on the....  Tab.
Ans.  Home
11. Default   tab stop are every  .... Inch
Ans. 0.5
12. The first slide of a presentation is selected as by default
Ans.Title Slide
13. To enter text in a placeholder inside it
Ans. Click
14. The…… contents command that you may want to quite  often
Ans. Tab15. ………… one of the most popular search engine and has been founded by Larry Page and surgery brin
Ans. Goggle.
16…………. is regarded as the founder of World Wide Web
Ans.  Tim Berners-Lee
17. …………..special program to open website.
Ans.  Web Browser


1.       RAM stands for Random Access Memory                     (T)
2.        Hard disk is made up of multiple disk .                          (T)
3.       The size of a DVD 4.1 inches.                                         (F)
4.        A flash drive is very small size and writable.                 (T)
5.        1 megabyte is equal to 1024 gigabytes                            (F)
6.       In Windows we can run only one program at a time        (F)
7.        Windows 7 is the latest version of Windows                    (F)
8.        An operating system control all the activities of a computer.       (T)
9.        Right click on any icon will display personalize option at the bottom of the displayed list.       (F)
10.   The shortcut key  is also called the context menu.    (T)
11.   The shortcut key to close a document is Ctrl + C.        (F)
12.    The save  command is used to save a document of further use.        (T)
13.    To open an already save Word document click on new option in the office button menu.  (F)
14.    You can select a sentence by holding down the shift key and clicking anywhere on the sentence. (F)
15.    To select a paragraph, double-click anywhere in the paragraph         (F)
16.   By default MS word  the text in double line spacing.                          (F)
17.    Justified alignment make the text is aligned with the left margin.     (F)
18.    We can apply bullets by selecting the bullet buttons.                             (T)
19.   The bold button in the Font group process is used to display the text darker than the rest of the text. (T)
20.   We can change the alignment by clicking on the Insert tab. (F)
21.   We can underline a word or sentence  along with spaces.     (F)
22.   MS powerpoint is a presentation software program.             (T)
23.    On starting powerpoint,  a blank presentation names ‘Slide 1’ appear on the screen. (T)
24.   You can save your presentation using Ctrl + S key combination.   (T)
25.   To close powerpoint application, click on the office button> close option.(T)
26.    The shortcut key to insert a new slide is Ctrl+N key combination.             (F)
27.   A website is a special program to access information.       (F)
28.    An email is sent through the internet           (T)
29.   An ISP is the company that gives us access to the internet for a fee.  (T)
30.   The word wide web  is not a part of the internet.     (F)

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