Saturday, 18 December 2021

CSS (Cascading Style Sheet)


v  Cascading Style Sheet(CSS) is a style sheet which offers set of style rules to display HTML elements in a webpage.

v  CSS allows a number of page of a website to have same formatting.

v  It also provides ore flexibility and control in the way in which the content is displayed on a webpage.


   Advantage of CSS

                CSS saves time - You can write CSS once and then reuse the same sheet in multiple HTML pages. You can define a style for each HTML element and apply it to as many web pages as you want.

                Pages load faster - If you are using CSS, you do not need to write HTML tag attributes every time. Just write one CSS rule of a tag and apply it to all the occurrences of that tag. So, less code means faster download times.

                Easy maintenance - To make a global change, simply change the style, and all the elements in all the web pages will be updated automatically

                CSS is easy to learn and understand.



Disadvantage of CSS

 CSS is very limited in browser.

 There are multiple levels of CSS such as CSS, CSS 2, CSS 3. This can create confusion for non-developers and beginners.

  CSS Syntax

A CSS comprises of style rules that are interpreted by

the browser and then applied to the corresponding

elements in your document.

A style rule is made of three parts:

Selector: A selector is an HTML tag at which a style will be applied. This could be any tag like <h1> or <table> etc

Property: A property is a type of attribute of HTML tag. Put simply, all the HTML attributes are converted into  CSS properties. They could be color, border, etc.

Value: Values are assigned to properties. For example,

 color property can have the value either red etc

 CSS Syntax




 CSS Selectors

A selector is an HTML tag which a style applied. This could be any tag like <h1>,<p>, <table> etc.

There are different type of selectors:

Type, id and class selector


External style

We define style sheet rules in a separate CSS file and then include that file in the HTML document using HTML <LINK> tag.

external style

.RED {

Color: red:


.thick {



external style



<title> html external CSS </title>

<link rel=“stylesheet” type=“text/css” href=“style.css”>



<p class=“red”>This is red</p>

<p class=“thick”>This is thick</p>

<p class=“thick red”>This is thick and red</p>




This is red

This is thick

This is thick and red


  Internal style

If you want to use similar formatting for all the tags of the same type on a web page, you should use internal styles

 Internal style



<title> html internal CSS </title>

<style type =“text/css”>

.red { color:red; }

.thick {Font-size:20px; }




<p class=“red”>This is red</p>

<p class=“thick”>This is thick</p>

<p class=“thick red”>This is thick and red</p>





This is red

This is thick

This is thick and red


  In-Line(the attribute style)

One way to apply CSS to HTML is by using the Inline style.

You can put your CSS rules into an HTML document using the <style> Element.

<element/tagname style=declaration in quotes>


  In-Line(the attribute style)



<title> html inline CSS </title>



<p style=“color:red;”>This is red</p>

<p style =“font-size:20px;”>This is thick</p>

<p style =“color:red;font-size:20px;”>This is thick and red</p>




This is red

This is thick

This is thick and red


Colors in CSS

The use of colours in creation of web page is an important aspect to give web page a distinctive and attractive look. We can use color names, HEX values, RGB, etc values to specify colors. Color can help you to change color of many elements in the web page like, background, text, margins, etc.

  Hex codes


A hexadecimal is a 6 digit representation of  a color. The first two digits (RR) represent value, the next two are a green value(GG),and  the last are the blue value (BB).

 A hexadecimal value can be taken from any graphics software like Adobe Photoshop, PaintShop Pro, or even using Advanced paint brush. Each hexadecimal code will be preceded by a pound or hash sign #. 

Following are the examples to use hexadecimal notation:

   Short Hex codes

This is a shorter form of the six-digit-notation. In this format, each digit is replicated to arrive at an equivalent six-digit value. For example #F00 becomes #FF0000.

This color value is specified using the RGB) property. This property takes three value, one each for red, green and blue.

The value can be an integer between 0 and 255 or a percentage.

 Browser safe colors

216 colors are supposed to be most safe and computer independent colours. These colours vary from hexa code 000000 to FFFFFF.

These colours are safe use because they ensure that your computer would display the color correctly when running a 256 colours palette.

The colour property in CSS can be used in many different elements like background text border margins, outline etc.


Monday, 13 August 2018

Fundamental Computer

Fundamental Computer

1.      Sabeer Bhatia is the CO-Founder of
2. The world’s  first webmail service.
3.      An electronic machine used to generate information from data is called a computer.
4.      An input device used for playing games joystick.
5.      Paint is Application software.
6.      Printer is an output device.
7.      The game you play on computer as an example software.
8.      Primary memory is also called main memory.
9.      Secondary memory is also called external memory.
10.  Processing is done by the CPU
11.  There are two types of software-Application software, System software.
12.  A software that performs a particular function for the user called application software
13.  Application software includes all programs that perform specific tasks for used such as word, excel , power point etc.
14.  System software is the back bone of a computer.
15.  System software includes operating system, utilities and device drivers.
16.  An example of primary memory device is RAM, ROM.
17.  Operating system is the program that lets you interact with your computer.
18.  Two most common operating systems are Microsoft Windows and Mac OSX.
19.  The Desktop is the first screen of windows which appears when the OS starts.
20.  The Taskbar is the long horizontal bar at the bottom of the desktop.
21.  The long bar at the top that shows the name of the document and the software program in use is called Title Bar.
22.  Icon is a symbol/picture that acts as a button to open up a folder, document, application or other object.
23.  Windows contains mini- programs called gadgets.
24.  The desktop background is a picture or design on the desktop and is called Wallpaper.
25.  Vertical Scroll bar is used to move up and down on the main screen.
26.  Horizontal Scroll bar is used to move left and right on the main screen.

Wednesday, 20 June 2018


1.which open the start menu .
Ans.   Start Button
2. A............... Is a collection of relevant files stored together on some storage device
Ans.  Folder
3.  Window is a use ........ Interface
Ans Graphical
4. The word application opens blank document with the name
Ans  Document 1
5. Grammatical error indicate with a
Ans . Green Way Underline
6. Which key combination will be used to select the entire document
Ans. Ctrl +A
7. Which is the shortcut key for undo command
Ans. Ctrl +Z
8. ...... Alignment is used  set evenly  between the left and right
Ans. Justify
9. By default  line spacing is a set to ..... Line spacing
Ans. Single
10. Font size box is available on the....  Tab.
Ans.  Home
11. Default   tab stop are every  .... Inch
Ans. 0.5
12. The first slide of a presentation is selected as by default
Ans.Title Slide
13. To enter text in a placeholder inside it
Ans. Click
14. The…… contents command that you may want to quite  often
Ans. Tab15. ………… one of the most popular search engine and has been founded by Larry Page and surgery brin
Ans. Goggle.
16…………. is regarded as the founder of World Wide Web
Ans.  Tim Berners-Lee
17. …………..special program to open website.
Ans.  Web Browser


1.       RAM stands for Random Access Memory                     (T)
2.        Hard disk is made up of multiple disk .                          (T)
3.       The size of a DVD 4.1 inches.                                         (F)
4.        A flash drive is very small size and writable.                 (T)
5.        1 megabyte is equal to 1024 gigabytes                            (F)
6.       In Windows we can run only one program at a time        (F)
7.        Windows 7 is the latest version of Windows                    (F)
8.        An operating system control all the activities of a computer.       (T)
9.        Right click on any icon will display personalize option at the bottom of the displayed list.       (F)
10.   The shortcut key  is also called the context menu.    (T)
11.   The shortcut key to close a document is Ctrl + C.        (F)
12.    The save  command is used to save a document of further use.        (T)
13.    To open an already save Word document click on new option in the office button menu.  (F)
14.    You can select a sentence by holding down the shift key and clicking anywhere on the sentence. (F)
15.    To select a paragraph, double-click anywhere in the paragraph         (F)
16.   By default MS word  the text in double line spacing.                          (F)
17.    Justified alignment make the text is aligned with the left margin.     (F)
18.    We can apply bullets by selecting the bullet buttons.                             (T)
19.   The bold button in the Font group process is used to display the text darker than the rest of the text. (T)
20.   We can change the alignment by clicking on the Insert tab. (F)
21.   We can underline a word or sentence  along with spaces.     (F)
22.   MS powerpoint is a presentation software program.             (T)
23.    On starting powerpoint,  a blank presentation names ‘Slide 1’ appear on the screen. (T)
24.   You can save your presentation using Ctrl + S key combination.   (T)
25.   To close powerpoint application, click on the office button> close option.(T)
26.    The shortcut key to insert a new slide is Ctrl+N key combination.             (F)
27.   A website is a special program to access information.       (F)
28.    An email is sent through the internet           (T)
29.   An ISP is the company that gives us access to the internet for a fee.  (T)
30.   The word wide web  is not a part of the internet.     (F)

CSS (Cascading Style Sheet)

  v   Cascading Style Sheet(CSS) is a style sheet which offers set of style rules to display HTML elements in a webpage. v   CSS allows a ...